Friday, 29 May 2015

6 Steps To Building A Massive Audience With Content

Creating and curating the best quality content on a consistent basis, that is timely and relevant for your audience, is the first step towards successful content marketing.

From there, you can build a significant audience over time, make appropriate offers, and generate revenue. It sounds a lot easier than it is!

Fortunately, there’s a formula you can follow! My buddy, Joe Pulizzi — founder of the Content Marketing Institute, discovered several similarities used by some of the most successful content marketers.

Content Marketing 6 Steps

In this week’s featured article, Joe outlines the common steps he found in growing and monetizing an audience.

See also this helpful post on Influence&Co:

Crystallize Your Content ROI With This Comprehensive Guide via @InfluenceandCo | This is good!

— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) May 28, 2015

The blog version of this week’s edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below! If you’re already subscribed, you’ll continue to receive The Social Scoop via email on Fridays. If you’re not yet signed up and would like to be, please enter your name and email in the box to the right (desktop) or below the post (mobile). Thank you!

Mari’s Top Social Media Picks – May 29, 2015 Issue #151

Greetings! Please enjoy this week’s top 3 articles we’ve selected for you!

1. Content Marketing: 6 Steps for Building a Massive Audience

via Step by step, this post — based on a talk by Joe Pulizzi — shows you how to go about growing your audience by putting into practice the strategies used by some of the most successful content marketers.

2. New Hootsuite Tool Creates Your Facebook Ads for You

via This is a rather nifty launch from Hootsuite and a convenient alternative to boosting your posts directly on Facebook. It’s still in Beta and will likely include improvements as they continue to develop the feature. I played around with the set-up a bit and here are my results.

Wowee, folks, this is BIG news for Hootsuite users – the platform just launched a new FREE tool that creates your…

Posted by Mari Smith on Friday, May 22, 2015

3. How to Encourage Your Customers to Recommend You to Their Friends


Word-of-mouth marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing out there. People trust the opinions of their friends and family much more than any other type of advertising. Check out the terrific infographic by Salesforce showing why people talk about a brand and tips on how to get your customers to say good things about you!

How to Encourage Your Customers to Recommend You to Their Friends via @Red_Web_Design | Terrific!

— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) May 19, 2015

That’s all for this week’s issue of The Social Scoop. Here’s wishing you a wonderful weekend and enjoyable week ahead.

On a personal note, I’m doing my best to pace myself and build up energy this weekend… next week is a BIG week — it’s the first in the series of Facebook’s Boost Your Business events right here in my “back yard,” San Diego! I look forward to meeting many of my peeps there. My team and I just finished updating my full Calendar of Events. So much travel in July-October. Wowee. It’s a jet-set life, but always striving for that coveted balance. (And, I certainly look forward to seeing my father and sisters in Scotland in July – yay!)


P.S. Learn how to master Facebook’s changes and get serious ROI from your campaigns! NEW six-part *live* online training course – SAVE $150 when you sign up before June 6th.
Facebook Business Breakthroughs
I’m delighted to partner directly with Facebook to lead a series of live training events. By attending my special new online program, I’ll be able to share with you the latest best practices for generating real results and revenue on Facebook.

from Yong Johnson’s DM blog via Digital marketing strategy consulting
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Thursday, 28 May 2015

It’s Not Dead! Link Building In 2015

A couple of months back, when questioned on whether link building was “any good” during a Google+ live chat, Google’s John Mueller appeared to suggest that he would in fact, avoid it completely. Naturally, this lead to an influx of ‘John Mueller says…’ posts suggesting that link building was falling victim to that very irritating ‘[enter SEO term] is dead’ cliché – and not for the first time.

However, if we actually take a step back and put what John said into context, it’s clear to see that this wasn’t what he was suggesting at all and after admitting that “in general” he’d try to avoid it (‘it’ being link building), he continued to say that:

“We do use links as part of our algorithm but we use lots and lots of other factors as well. So only focusing on links is probably going to cause more problems for your website that actually helps.”

‘Only’ being the key term here. Of course, if we were to focus all our SEO efforts merely on link building, the impact on our site would be detrimental – that’s a given. But to completely discount links as a valuable contributing ranking factor in SEO and search engine rankings could be equally as damaging.

Since the introduction of the Penguin update back in 2012, any attempts to construct links through low quality or spammy tactics have been scuppered, with further updates and data refreshes happening periodically, so Google can ensure it doesn’t rank sites which are using black-hat SEO techniques. Days of overnight ranking successes are long since gone and developing a solid backlink profile has become more of a gradual effort; where patience, consistency and relevance are essential. The concept of ‘building’ links is something that sounds almost forceful and it should in fact, be a much more organic and natural process – the result of quality content and relevant engagement across social platforms, sites, blogs and more.

So in this post I will be sharing some of the methods that can be applied that can lead to the natural accumulation of links, whilst minifying the risk of a manual or algorithmic ranking penalty.

‘Content is…’

Writing an ArticleCase Studies

Strong case studies are a great way to showcase success and emphasise how you have overcome challenges whilst naturally earning exposure and brand strength. It’s becoming a common trend for potential consumers to thoroughly research prior to committing to a purchase. So using case studies will provide website content that can also showcase the capabilities of your business.

Note: this can be another opportunity to naturally include keywords and potentially enhance the pages’ relevance.

Link Bait/Ego Bait

Linkbait refers to content that is designed to attract the attention of certain individuals or organisations, to encourage them to share content or link to your site. You could also do this by writing about someone influential and tweeting/sharing with them directly to encourage further sharing. If done effectively, this can contribute to significant amounts of organic traffic – since it is a completely natural and ethical way of developing a solid backlink profile.

Surveys & Questionnaires

Surveys and questionnaires are an extremely effective marketing tool when used well. They can be created and shared across numerous formats, which results in increased exposure. They can also be tailored so that the data you’re collecting can help you to make informed business decisions moving forward.


Similar to surveys and questionnaires, quizzes are hugely shareable and relatively easy to create. Depending on your need, they can be fun or informative and again, can reveal important information regarding your company/brand/website. For more, check out last month’s post on quizzes by @Koozai_Ruth.


Newsjacking allows you to reach a wider audience by creating and sharing content relevant to current news, tying it back to your brand, products or services.

By keeping track of what is current and prominent within the news, both in your industry and on a broader scale, you can capitalise on popular stories and use them to amplify marketing and link building success, as the public’s interest in a specific topic grows. This involves producing content that is directly related to what’s hot in the press but with a unique angle or spin that will also make it relevant to the product, service or brand that you’re attempting to sell.

Don’t Be Afraid To Have A Chat!

Social mediaEngage On Relevant Forums

Natural engagement on strong forums for referral traffic and brand awareness is still effective, as long as any links appear natural through branded anchor text and are nofollowed. Becoming part of the community on reputable and relevant forums can be a great way of generating leads and enhancing your brands reputation/status within your industry.

Google+ Communities

Similarly, engaging in conversation in relevant Google+ communities, whilst using a branded profile can be an effective way to raise awareness of your product/services amongst the sort of demographic you are aiming to target.

As with many social networks, content that you share is likely to be nofollowed and thus will not have a direct impact on your link profile. However, the more you interact within relevant communities, the more exposure you are gaining, which can ultimately result in more traffic.

Tweet Influencers

Using tools such as Buzzsumo, Followerwonk and you are able to analyse content and influencers within your sector that have been particularly successful (or unsuccessful) and then reach out to the social profiles of those found. By putting together a list, you can gradually begin outreaching to these profiles and lay the foundations for new links, citations and engagement.

This is more of an ongoing process to consider moving forward and can be an effective way of developing potential working relationships, as well as increasing your social following.

LinkedIn Articles

Publishing and sharing content on LinkedIn can be a great way of gaining more exposure, by reaching out to members of an extremely large, professional, social sphere. Not only this, but it allows you to approach the most relevant audience with your content, resulting in much higher engagement levels and sharing on every post.

Sharing Content on Main Profiles

This is another way of utilising Social Media. Through a thorough backlink analysis of your site, you can identify the external links that are connected with your site and, if appropriate, share them across your main social channels.

By sharing, or re-sharing pieces of content that have links or citations your site/business (providing they are still relevant), you can easily attract link opportunities that wouldn’t have necessarily been available otherwise, as well as strengthen the value of the signals for search engines and refresh their awareness of the piece.


Happy guy is taking selfie

Social Image Sites

Building up a strong portfolio on trusted image platforms such as, Pinterest and Instagram is an extremely easy and effective way of generating brand exposure. They say a picture speaks a thousand words and it’s true.

In today’s society and with the huge growth in mobile accessibility, consumers are often surfing the web and interacting in social media on the move.  This means they often don’t have the time to be reading posts that are thousands of words long and so this is where the relevant use of imagery comes into play. As well as this, again they are easily sharable and can be integrated with various other formats.

Create A YouTube Channel

Strong, interesting videos can gain a lot of traction, be shared across social platforms and are easily embedded into your site too. Similarly to the point made above, the proliferation of mobile devices in recent years emphasises people’s need to get their information quickly and whilst on the move. As the second largest search engine in the world, there is a high likelihood that the first time consumers come across your brand, will be via a YouTube video, should you have an active and regularly updated channel, which in turn, makes it an excellent method of increasing brand exposure and driving more traffic to your site.

I hope some of these ideas have convinced you that we are certainly not seeing the back of link building as an SEO strategy and it is merely a case of not panicking and attacking it head on. By focussing your attention on some of the tactics above, being consistent and maintaining relevancy to your brand with everything you do, the links will come a lot more naturally.

If you have any ideas that you think I may have missed or have found any of the examples above working particularly well, please feel free to comment below or get in contact and tweet me @Koozai_Benjamin

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8 Effective Content Ideation Methods

Coming up with content ideas for your own business or client can sometimes prove to be a little tricky. The frustration caused by getting stuck for ideas can cause issues, especially if you’re on deadline or content needs to be scrapped and altered at the last minute. So what’s the solution?

Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, famously said: “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”  This quote signifies the importance of planning in advance in order to achieve your goals.

The same principle applies to your business too. Taking time to develop your ideas, either on your own or in a team, will ensure that your content is targeted and will help achieve whatever your goals may be; from increasing traffic and social shares, to strengthening your brand or improving conversions and sales.

So if you need inspiration to help you come up with your own content ideas, take a look at these eight brainstorming methods below.

1. Key Dates, Events and Seasonality

The first brainstorming method is to list all of the key dates and events throughout the year specific to your industry that are worth creating content around. You may want to start adding these to a calendar, similar to the example below.

Come up with a second list of brainstorming ideas around any products or services that you could push at different times of the year to reflect trends in seasonality.

Once you’re done, it’s worth seeing if you can combine any of the key dates and events with seasonality trends to form the basis of your content ideas.

22-05-2015 11-05-45

2. Mind Mapping

Start by choosing a key topic or type of content, for example ‘marketing’ or an Infographic.

Once you have your central theme or type of content you can create ideas around it and then sub ideas around the individual ideas too.

Try to generate as many ideas as possible, as you can always refine specific ones and reject any that don’t meet your criteria.

The end result  will be much easier to visualise, compared to a static list.

3. The 5 Ws and 1 H

Next up is the 5 Ws and 1 H technique. This method involves asking a series of questions to formulate a number of sustainable ideas and gather further information on a particular topic.

The questions should focus on an idea, product or service and look at the following areas:

Basic Questions

Answering all of the questions will give you more in-depth information about your initial idea, before establishing if it’s worth using in your content strategy.

This is a simple but effective method to use if you get stuck for ideas and if you are struggling to remember the questions, just repeat the original concept from Rudyard Kipling’s – The Elephant Child:

“I Keep six honest serving-men:
(They taught me all I knew)
Their names are What and Where and When
And How and Why and Who”.

4. Picture Association

As the old adage states: “A picture is worth a thousand words”, so why not use images to your advantage in order to come up with your content ideas?

This is another simple yet effective method that allows you to think more visually and creatively, compared to writing lists.

Perform an image search for keywords that relate to the industry, topic or theme for which you want to create content.

Enjoying the freedom of freelancing

Once the pictures are on your screen in front of you, think about what initially comes to mind and establish your ideas based on what you can see in front of you.

Think about what the images convey and see if you can work these ideas into your content.

It might sound different to what you’ve tried before, but it could be the winning ticket to finding that killer content idea.

5. Problems and Solutions

Instead of thinking of new ideas from scratch, use your most valuable business asset to your advantage – your customers.

How do you achieve content ideas with the help of your customers? Simple – all you need to do is ask or keep a record of all the problems/questions they’ve had previously regarding your products and services. You can even brainstorm some of these from past experiences or by putting yourself in the customers’ shoes and looking at potential issue from their perspective.

Once you’re done, aim to offer solutions to each individual problem within the content that you create. One example of this method for a technology company could be as follows:

Problem: Customers don’t know if the company’s software works on their device

Solution: Create an Infographic or blog post that details which software is compatible with which device.

6. Word Association

Similar to picture association, this method is a little more on the creative side of the spectrum. However, it does allow you to uncover new connections and insights that you wouldn’t normally think of.

Get started by choosing a word that’s associated with your business. Next, think of as many words associated with the initial word and see if you can make a connection between them that fits in with what your business offers.

It can sometimes be a little tricky to make the connection between the words you’ve selected, but after a few attempts the ideas should start to flow.

So for example you might have made the connection between technology, to hardware, to Apple (brand), to fruit. These associated words can be the inspiration for potential ideas, so take the time to mind map ideas based on such associated words.

You may reject a high number of ideas with this method, although allowing the brain to think less logically can in contrast produce great results.

Idee Konzept

7. The 6-5-3 Method

This concept is built around having six people in a group spending five minutes to come up with three ideas on a piece of paper. However this can be altered, depending on the number of people in your team and the time you wish to dedicate towards your idea creation.

After the time is up, the paper is passed to the person on your right and the process is repeated again in the designated time until the first piece of paper you wrote on comes back to you.

Having to think creatively under pressure is an excellent way to detail all of the initial ideas that come to you, no matter how far-fetched and imaginative they seem.

When you end up with the same piece of paper, take a look at everyone’s ideas collectively and select the best ones to run with.

8. Thinking Hats

To get you thinking outside the box in a rational and creative way, try the thinking hats method.

The concept involves coming up with an idea or theme and then applying different thinking hats to refine the initial idea.

So, for example, your concept or idea could be built around ‘clothes’.

With your theme in place, use these hats to analyse areas you could cover in your content:

White hat – looks at facts, data and information already known or needed relating to the theme

Red hat – looks at feelings, initial instinct and intuition

Black hat – looks at potential problems and difficulties

Yellow hat – looks at benefits and values

Green hat - looks at creativity, possibilities, new ideas and alternatives

Blue hat – looks at managing the thinking process – start with a focus, then detail the next steps, actions and plans.

There are quite a lot of areas to look into with this method, but it’s particularly good for coming up with a large list of potential ideas to use.

Get Thinking!

So now you know how to become more creative, it’s time to put these content brainstorming methods to the test.

Next time you need to come up with a range of content ideas for your own business or your client’s strategy, use some of the eight methods above and see how you get on.

Remember, by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail, so avoid this situation by planning and brainstorming your ideas well in advance.

Thanks for reading, if you have any ideas of your own, feel free to add them below or tweet me via @Koozai_John.

Alternatively, if you need help with your own content ideation, speak to Koozai today to see how we can help.

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Utilising Google Shopping Custom Labels

This is the transcript from our new video so it may not read as well as a normal blog post would.

Hi. Today I want to talk to you about Google Shopping and, in particular, custom labels. With Google Shopping, you basically set up a data feed that pulls in only the products from your website. It pulls into the Merchant Center on Google, which then links up to Google AdWords.

Now, you’ve got lots of attributes within your Merchant Center feed. But when it comes to actually creating and managing your AdWords campaigns for the shopping feeds, you’re quite limited in terms of how you construct your campaigns and how you can segment all of your data and your products. So this is where custom labels come in.

AdWords helps you to have five of these custom labels, hopefully labelled from zero through to four. I’m not sure why they have not done one through to five. You’re quite limited still in terms of the number of labels that you can use.

So what I want to do is talk to you about nine different strategies that you can use when it comes to custom labels, so that if you’re managing your Google Shopping campaigns, you can really, really segment your data and your products so that you can effectively bid according to all of these different segments here that we’re going to talk about. Rather than just going down the standard route of just bidding on different items or categories, using these types of custom labels, you can really make the most out of your Google Shopping campaigns. So let’s get started.

The first one is special events. So you may sell products that sell really well when it comes to Christmas, when it comes to Easter, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day. There’s all these events throughout the year. So you can have a custom label, and you can label each of the products that are really key for those specific events, create separate campaigns for those, and bid higher when you know that those events are taking place, because you know, from looking at your historic data, that these products sell really well around those times of year.

That then leads me on to seasonality. So similar to the events, you might be a retailer that’s selling sporting gear. If you’re selling scuba gear or if you’re selling sporting gear for like skiing holidays, for example, then the skiing gear is going to sell better, I would imagine, around sort of autumn to winter versus stuff for scuba, that might be a bit more seasonal in terms of the summer months. So you can tag up those products again, like we said, with the special events. Tag those up and actually bid higher at the certain times of the year when you know that those particular seasons are coming into play. So you can really try and capitalise on the revenue that you can make off the back of them.

Next up is price buckets. So rather than just taking a blanket look at all of your products and saying, “This type of product, I’m going to bid roughly this, because we know that’s how much they roughly cost,” you can categorise all of your products and say, “This group of products, I make this much in terms of revenue, say from X to X. These products from X to X. These products from X to X.” So that you know that when you’re actually putting together your bidding strategy, you know how much you can afford to bid. If you’re only making a small amount of revenue from a particular item, you know that you can’t afford to bid too high, because the amount that it’s going to cost you to actually get a sale is going to be higher than the amount you actually make in terms of revenue.

Complaint rate is another one. So if you know that you’ve got certain products that you get sort of a high complaint rate on, you might wish to kind of bid a bit lower on those if your customer service team are quite full-on with work at the moment. So you might want to try and bid a bit lower on those. You still want to obviously sell those products, because you’ve got that stock that you need to get rid of. But you might not want to sell too many of them in one go. Whereas if you’ve got products that you know you don’t typically get any complaints for, you’re more comfortable bidding higher on those. That’s another bidding strategy that you can use.

When it comes to selling rate, I’m talking about best sellers or low sellers. So if you’re looking for a quick cash injection of revenue from your AdWords campaigns, if you put all of your best sellers into a campaign and you bid higher on those, your historical data is telling you that you’re selling really well on those particular products. So if you bid higher, get your ads seen more, the likelihood is you’re going to potentially get more sales off the back that as well. But, obviously, you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket and say, “These are definitely my best sellers. I’m going to bid higher.” You still need to make sure that you’re managing and optimising those campaigns accordingly so that you’re not bidding too much and the costs aren’t outweighing how much you’re making in terms of revenue.

Profit margin, I like to break this down so that you can see, rather as a value, it’s quite interesting to look at this as a percentage. So if you know that this bracket of products here make around 10% profit margin or these ones make 50% profit margin, 50% profit margin you know that you afford to bid a lot higher for those products because the return that you’re going to get off the back of selling them is much greater. So that’s profit margin.

Sale items are particularly useful for if you’ve got a flash sale, if you know that you’ve got a clearance, some stock that you need to clear, or you might have some spring sale coming up. You can again categorise all your products and say, “These are the ones that are in the flash sale. I need to really, really push these particular products this week, because the flash sale is only lasting for a week.” That coupled with your promotion and strategies are all part of the Google Shopping network as well. You can really, really get some valuable sales off the back of using this particular custom label.

Then the other one here is release year. So if you were selling something like CDs, DVDs, or even they can be cars, you could be selling all sorts of stuff on the shopping market like model cars, there could be specific years that come out, and again grouping your products based on that, there could be bidding strategies that can really, really work well for you.

And then the final one is stock levels. If you know that in your warehouse that you’ve got loads of stock that you need to try and get rid of, you want to really try and push that. You want to get that out of the door. Put all of those into one particular campaign, bid higher and try and get that stock moving quite quickly.

So that’s just nine strategies that I’ve come up with here. The benefit of using custom labels is the world is your oyster. You can basically define the label to be whatever is it that you want it to be. You just need to remember that you are limited to five. So use them carefully, plan out what you want to do before you start using them, so that once you’re starting, that’s the sort of route that you’re going down.

So as with everything with a Google Shopping campaign, take things slow. Let the data guide you. Understand what you’re trying to achieve out of your shopping campaigns and then make the decisions.

I’ve written a blog post, and I’ve also done a presentation on Google Shopping as well that you’ll be able to find on the Koozai blog. If you have got any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thank you.

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Friday, 22 May 2015

Every Second Counts: Why Page Speed Should Be Your Next Focus

Website speed and page load times are important for both search engine rankings and user satisfaction, so optimizing your website’s performance is key.

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Top Ten Questions: How To Create The Perfect Social Media Marketing Mix

By the year 2020, more than 85 percent of all buyer-seller interaction will occur online. And not just online, but through video and social media.

This is huge! It’s crucial to the success of your business that you stay on top of the ever-changing social media landscape, particularly on Facebook.

By 2020, only 15% of sales interactions will be outside of social, mobile, and video #influencerchat — Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) May 6, 2015

In fact, my friend Erik Qualman, author of Socialnomics, says

“The ROI of social media is your business will still exist in 5 years.” @equalman

Yes, it’s that serious!

First, to help you keep up to date, for our featured article this week, my team and I have selected a wonderful Q&A style post for you by the lovely Rebekah Radice and guests Ann Tran and Diana Adams – where they answer 10 questions about how to create the perfect social media marketing mix.

Second, to help you get on the leading edge of Facebook marketing best practices, I just unveiled my latest Facebook online training courseFacebook Marketing Breakthroughs.

Facebook Business Breakthroughs Mari Smith

I’m delighted to partner directly with Facebook this year to lead a series of live training events in the U.S. called Boost Your Business. I look forward to meeting so many of my peeps in San Diego, Minneapolis, Nashville and Boston.

With more than 40 million active small business Pages on Facebook, these events are designed to help business owners achieve greater success and growth.

Of course, only so many businesspeople will be able to attend these lives events. Folks all over the country and the world will miss out on attending these live events.

So, by attending my virtual training program, you’ll receive the latest insider tips, techniques and strategies for generating real results and revenue on Facebook! (You can save $200 when you register before May 26th, 2015)

Create the perfect social media marketing mix

By the way: here’s a fun factoid about Mari, pertaining to the playful image for this post…

My father was a master baker all his working life. (He’ll be 79 this year and still bakes on a regular basis in Scotland.)

For three years in my early twenties, I attended night school and studied cake decorating and confectionery making. (One of these days, I’ll scan and share some of my cake photos! I promised Jay Baer that I would during an interview for an upcoming episode of his podcast!)

When my team and I were compiling this week’s issue of The Social Scoop and chose our lead article with the word “mix” in the title, I just had to include this adorable girl and her yummy cake batter. She reminds me of myself as a wee girl. Awwe!

The blog version of this week’s edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below! If you’re already subscribed, you’ll continue to receive The Social Scoop via email on Fridays. If you’re not yet signed up and would like to be, please enter your name and email in the box to the right (desktop) or below the post (mobile). Thank you!

Mari’s Top Social Media Picks – May 22, 2015 Issue #150

Greetings! Please do enjoy this week’s top articles we’ve hand-picked for you!

1. How to Create the Perfect Social Media Marketing Mix

via With so many social media networks and only a certain amount of time in the day, you need a plan to really be effective with your marketing. The nuggets in this rapid-fire Q&A #InfluencerChat here may help you decide what’s best for you and your company.

2. 10 Tools Content Writers Will Love

via Effective content writing in today’s world is a relatively new skill – one that’s vital to your success with online marketing. Check out this awesome list of tools that will help you overcome writer’s block, get unstuck, come up with creative ideas and avoid too much jargon! Love that!

10 Tools Content Writers Will Love via @steamfeedcom | Good to know!

— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) May 21, 2015

3. How to Use Instagram to Promote Your Brand and Drive Sales


Wildly popular and continuously growing, Instagram can be very effective as part of your social media marketing mix. But are you using it to its full potential when it comes to promoting your brand? Check out this post and see!

That’s a wrap for this issue of The Social Scoop. Here’s wishing you a fantastic weekend and especially to all my friends in the U.S. – make it a super enjoyable (and safe) Memorial Day Weekend!

On a personal note, it’s been an uber intense week, with quite a few late nights, tbh! We had over 8,500 registrants for my Facebook webinar on Tuesday and a successful launch of a new course. So, this long weekend, my partner and I are treating ourselves to time off the grid in the mountains – yippee!! :)


P.S. Did you know? 90% of Fortune 500 brands are not properly optimizing their Facebook marketing and advertising. Yikes. Thing is, Facebook has rapidly evolved into a big challenge for businesses of all sizes, with several major changes to the News Feed in April this year and also last fall. Organic reach is down to 1-6%. Don’t get left behind – stay on the leading edge of Facebook marketing best practices when you attend my newest online training course. I’ll be sharing insider secrets from my own business and directly from Facebook on how to attract more fans, leads, and sales! Save $200 when you register today.

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Thursday, 21 May 2015

Five Ways to Glean Important Insights From GWT’s New Search Analytics Report

A new report from Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, will give marketers a better sense of how users interact with their sites through search engines.

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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Concatenate: The Ultimate Excel Function for Managing PPC Campaigns

One particular feature on Microsoft Excel can make PPC campaigns more manageable by allowing users to create structured group names, change ad copy in bulk, and build URL tags.

from Yong Johnson’s DM blog via web design pricing guide

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Saturday, 16 May 2015

How Your PPC Strategy Is Like Gardening

With too much or too little water, your plants will die. Your PPC prospects are similar: an efficient drip irrigation system is the best way to nurture them to grow that relationship.

from Yong Johnson’s DM blog via web design pricing guide

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Friday, 15 May 2015

24 Highly Useful Facebook Marketing Features, Tips and Tactics

Facebook’s big news this week is the introduction of an interactive feature called Instant Articles. Currently launching with just nine major media partners, this feature is bound to see significant growth with more publishers coming on board to create fast-loading, highly visual, experiential articles. (My favorite part about this announcement is the fact that publishers can sell ads in their articles and keep the revenue!)

Meantime, while the new Instant Articles feature starts to gain traction and eventually roll out to more business users (content publishers), for my newsletter’s featured article this week, my team and I have rounded up not one but two excellent Facebook marketing articles, with a combo of 24 helpful tips!

Ohh, excellent roundup of 12 Facebook tactics that work today! Hooray for #1 Native Videos!! (The content still has to…

Posted by Mari Smith on Saturday, May 2, 2015

In an article by Jason How for Post Planner, the first 12 tips reveals many highly effective, but little-known, Facebook features such as Save, Ad Relevance Score, and Interest Lists. I’m a big fan of pretty much all 12 of these features and recommend you familiarize yourself with them to help you save time and also be more effective with your Facebook efforts.

No doubt, you’re often looking for ideas of what to post on Facebook! The second 12 tips, in an article from Search Engine Journal (by Courtney Seiter of Buffer app), walks you through Facebook tactics and post types that are working right now for getting more reach and results.

Two Dozen Facebook Marketing Tips

Phew, as you know, what works well on Facebook one month (or week, or day?!) may not work as well the next, so it’s important to stay up to date on the latest and most effective Facebook marketing strategies. Speaking of which, please do join me on May 19th for my next epic free Facebook Marketing webinar + instant download of my gorgeous new guide.

The blog version of this week’s edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below! If you’re already subscribed, you’ll continue to receive The Social Scoop via email on Fridays. If you’re not yet signed up and would like to be, please enter your name and email in the box to the right (desktop) or below the post (mobile). Thank you!

Mari’s Top Social Media Picks – May 15, 2015 Issue #149

Greetings! Please do enjoy this week’s top articles we’ve hand-picked for you!

1. 12 Secret Facebook Features EVERY Marketer Should Be Using


Lots of nifty features here for content curation, competitive intelligence, page management and ad management. PLUS, do check out this highly recommended post as well: 12 Facebook Tactics Working Right Now via

2. How the Screenshort Can 3x Your Social Media Engagement Rate (Includes an Easy Quick Start Guide)


What is a Screenshort? It’s a picture of text shared on social media. Charlie Warzel, Senior Writer for BuzzFeed News says it best: “They say, ‘Hey, we respect your time and intelligence and here’s this thing we would love for you to read – totally your call but here’s all the information.‘” Nice!

How “Screenshorts” Can 3x Your Social Media Engagement Rate via @dlvrit | LOVE this!

— Mari Smith (@MariSmith) May 7, 2015

3. 7 Tips for Creating Successful Infographics


Infographics are so popular these days and a great way to create something useful (and shareable) for your customers. But what’s the best way to go about creating one? This post has 7 terrific tips to help you get started.

That’s all for this issue of The Social Scoop. Here’s wishing you a delightful weekend and super special week ahead!

On a personal note, just a wee bit more JOMO time this weekend (‘joy of missing out,’ although I’m preferring JOBO ‘joy of being offline’ as a better term!). My team and I will be putting in a few work hours this weekend, ramping up to the big day on May 19th when I’ll be leading my next Facebook webinar. I’m also really making myself have the discipline to enjoy time out each weekend for a few hobbies, nature and good friends, of course! I hope you do the same!



Facebook 10 Mistakes Webinar - Mari Smith 3

Free Facebook Marketing Webinar May 19th + Companion Facebook Marketing Guidebook

Have you downloaded my latest Facebook Marketing Guide? Get instant access and also save your seat for my upcoming companion webinar on May 19th – where I’ll be discussing the top ten mistakes businesses are making (every day!) that are causing them to lose money… and how to fix those mistakes, of course! (If you are one of the 5,800+ savvy peeps who already signed up – congrats and thank you! I look forward to connecting with you on the 19th!)

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Friday, 8 May 2015

5 Simple Ways to Wrangle Your PPC Budget on Brand-New Accounts

It’s easy for PPC managers to prepare for what might happen when they launch new campaigns if they have historical data on a PPC account; what’s harder is when you’re not sure what to expect.

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10 Awesome Instagram Posts To Boost Your Business

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

4 Tips to Improve Your Product Feed for Advertising

Here are some easy steps to take that don’t require significant coding expertise or investment in costly feed management and optimization tools.

from Yong Johnson’s DM blog via web design pricing guide

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Google Reveals Search Analytics Report for More Refined Data

The new Search Analysis tool will be more accurate than the existing Search Queries report in Google Webmaster Tools.

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Tuesday, 5 May 2015

13 Expert Tips for Mobile PPC

Here are 13 tips for successful mobile PPC from experts around the industry.

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Cast Your Vote: 5 Cringe-Worthy Digital Marketing Clichés

At the end of the day, we all feel at times that we are battling through an endless minefield of overused jargon and phrases that could do with stripping back and simplifying. In the Digital Marketing industry, we encounter unnecessary phrases used time and time again that, quite frankly, make us cringe.

Now, you can’t judge a book by its cover, and at times, certain ‘buzz words’ could be effective in explaining certain practises or techniques. However the majority of the time they are pretty pointless and serve no purpose other than overcomplicating what we do.

There’s no time like the present, so we’ve compiled our shortlist of the top five phrases which are all deserving of being crowned the most cringe-worthy industry cliché.

1. Content Is King

This old chestnut is banded around too often in Digital Marketing. Whilst it emphasises the very real and much-needed importance of relevant and compelling content to drive forward a campaign, it doesn’t always need to be phrased like this.

Content is imperative, but surely there must be a catchier way to emphasise this? The term is often overused in Digital Marketing, and sadly it comes across as though Content is the digital solution to end all solutions; but that’s dependent on your brand, your audience and ultimately your Digital Marketing aims and goals.

This is a phrase that winds many a Digital Marketer up, but does this term get your blood boiling?

2. “Matt Cutts Once Said…”

This overused cliché simply won’t cut it unless there is clear and undisputed evidence to back up your theory and suggestions. Relying on an SEO guru to emphasise your argument just won’t work unless you can clearly justify your actions with clear-cut evidence and analysis.

Does the “Matt Cutts once said” phrase irritate you enough for it to win your vote?

3. “——— Is Dead”

We often come across plenty of “this is dead’ and “that is dead” within our industry on a daily basis. To the experienced, these posts are nothing more than link bait or click bait. Whilst it may work to get your content or point talked about, it’s also the bugbear of many industry-folk.

It’s a pretty useless phrase that doesn’t actually add much to the topic, but is it your bugbear?

4. “Write For Humans”

Yes, it is imperative that content is not only relevant and written with a user in constant consideration, but, in all seriousness, who else would Content Marketers be writing for?

Useful, relevant and compelling content is a key element to facilitate the overall SEO campaign, but this cliché is one that could do with disappearing for good.

5. “Low Hanging Fruit”

We come across this delightful phrase on a regular basis, and it’s one that really grinds our gears!

In the Digital Marketing industry, this buzzword is used to describe quick wins that can be achieved in a short timeframe and are easy to ‘pick’.

The question here is, whatever happened to easily achievable goals as oppose to fruit metaphors?!

Don’t Forget To Cast Your Vote

So, there you have it, a list of arguably the most irritating phrases that have unfortunately slipped through the cracks and become commonplace within our industry.

It’s time to sit back and have a think about which industry cliché really gets on your wick.

If you’re really not a fan of a buzzword, don’t forget to cast your vote in our below poll to and see which unnecessary cliché will be victorious.

Get In Touch

If you’d like to discuss this blog post further, or perhaps you have your own list of clichés you’d like to discuss, feel free to leave a comment or tweet me @Koozai_Jenny. We’d love to hear from you.

Cast Your Vote

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Friday, 1 May 2015

Personal B2B PPC – 5 Things You Need to Ensure Success

Marketing in the B2B world isn’t easy. And with paid search, it can get even more complicated.

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5 Ways to Use Competitive PPC Intelligence to Dominate Your Competition

Here are five ways you can use competitive PPC intelligence to dominate your competition so you can drive down your cost per click and boost the ROI from PPC campaigns.

from Yong Johnson’s DM blog via transformational marketing

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Facebook Is More Small Business-Friendly Than You Thought

Facebook’s latest efforts to support the education and empowerment of small- and medium- size businesses is a series of LIVE events around the U.S. called the 2015 Boost Your Business Program, just announced this week.

There are over 40 million active small business Pages on Facebook and the company is more committed than ever to helping these small businesses to grow and succeed.

In this week’s featured article, WebProNews takes a deep dive into the Boost Your Business Program, as well as additional Facebook training initiatives, products and tools.

Yes, Facebook really is more small business-friendly than you may realize! And, here we are on the cusp of the annual National Small Business Week! (May 4-18). Perfect timing.

Plus, my huge news this week that I can finally share is: Facebook has hired me to help teach at the series of live Boost Your Business events.

The Boost Your Business tour will land in San Diego, Minneapolis, Nashville and Boston. There are also a series of “pop-up” events at other cities; however, I will be presenting at the two half-day events in each of the four main cities. At the main events, attendees can also meet with Facebook’s partners Visa, Mailchimp, Shopify, and Zenefits. For more info and to register, go here.

Boost Your Business Facebook Events featuring Mari Smith

I’m SO excited and honored; I’ve envisioned this day ever since I first joined Facebook on May 4th, 2007 (my 8 year anniversary is coming up!).

Huge thanks to my online community for all your loving support and encouragement this week – truly appreciated! Special shoutout to Kimberly Hunt, news anchor on ABC 10News for this wonderful TV segment featuring yours truly!

Newsflash! Facebook is coming to a city near you with a series of LIVE educational events called “Boost Your Business”…

Posted by Mari Smith on Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The blog version of this week’s edition of THE SOCIAL SCOOP weekly newsletter follows below! If you’re already subscribed, you’ll continue to receive The Social Scoop via email on Fridays. If you’re not yet signed up and would like to be, please enter your name and email in the box to the right (desktop) or below the post (mobile). Thank you!

Mari’s Top Social Media Picks – May 1, 2015
Issue #147


Please enjoy this week’s top articles we’ve picked for you!

1. Is Facebook More Small Business-Friendly Than You Thought?

via WebProNews

On the back of Facebook’s announcement this week about the Boost Your Business live event tour, as well as having 40 million active small business Pages on the site, this article is one of the most in-depth discussions I’ve seen. Two thumbs up!

2. 10 Scientific Findings That Can Help You Improve Your Marketing


Excellent read with so many practical tips here. Many you’ll be familiar with already… but some I’m thinking not. #9 and #10 can definitely help you boost your sales results!

3. 10 Content Tips for a Content Marketing Team of One


Solopreneurs need to be as efficient as possible to accomplish business goals. If you’re the only one creating your marketing content, that can be a challenge. So, check out these ten tips to help you manage your content. I especially love #5 and #8.

That’s all for this issue of The Social Scoop. Here’s wishing you a fabulous weekend and yummy week ahead!

On a personal note, I’ve been on a high all week about the Facebook news, as you can imagine! I plan to continue celebrations with friends this weekend! After eight years of raving about the power of Facebook, to now actually be hired by the world’s #1 social network is truly one of the highlights of my career. Whee!

Also, on an even more personal note, many of my dear readers noticed that I mentioned my “honey” in last week’s newsletter. Yep, it’s true! I typically keep my personal life super private (after divorcing in 2009, which I blogged about back then!). But, now I am so happy to share that I have a wonderful partner in my life. I chose “Partnership” as my one-word theme in 2015 and it’s just amazing how the power of intention works like magic! Here I am partnering with Facebook (the company literally call it that!), I have several amazing new business partnerships in place now, and a fabulous personal partner. Yay! *clink clink*



Free webinar – May 19th

SAVE THE DATE! My next FREE Facebook marketing webinar is coming up on Tuesday, May 19th at 12pm PT / 3pm ET. I’ll be sharing the Top Ten Mistakes Businesses Are Making On Facebook… and How To Fix Them! Stay tuned for more details. Register below to get on the early bird list!

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